When you’ve just started a business, it is quite difficult to acquire new customers/clients, as they always prefer to buy a service/product from an experienced provider, no matter how uniquely beneficial your service/product is, to them, or how result oriented you are as the business owner. Therefore, in order to gain recognition, a large portion of your allotted time, marketing & branding efforts is spent into creating a unique and promising identity that could be trusted by potential customers. Also, since your business is new, you ought to do a lot of outbound communication for the purpose of reaching your prospects, as well. Both these points call the need for having a consistent visual representation of your brand, across all potential media platforms, your customers could get to know about your business from.
Although brand building is an ongoing process and it could take from months to years for a business to be able to gain some recognition, the first and important step in building your business’ image, is getting one consistent logo that could form an impressionable visual identity of your business, thereby presenting it as unique and promising.
If you are in the process of getting a logo designed or are thinking of recreating one, below are four features, all or some of which could assist you in visualizing, creating and/or evaluating your company’s logo design.
Features of an Interesting Logo Design
Feature #1: Simplicity and Clarity in Representation
Image Credit: Lk-cs.com
Sometimes, when getting a logo designed, too much attention is paid on making it look highly creative and the final design ends up altering the message that was intended to be communicated, in the first place. A logo design should rather be simple with fewer creative elements than being highly creative, but too cluttered to be understood.
Feature #2: Indirect Communication / Hidden Message
What makes a logo engaging, is a design that is deliberated, either to communicate something indirectly or in a hidden manner. These kind of designs somehow become all the more attractive and unique because they do a little ‘trick’ in creating curiosity in the viewer to gauge the hidden meaning, thus making this ‘logo interpretation process’ and the logo itself, highly memorable.
Feature #3: Appropriate Color Choice
Image Credit: Hdwallpaperup
Logo color has its own importance as it reflects emotions and/or values associated with the firm it represents. Therefore, it is important that you choose a logo color that closely represents your business. For instance, if you are selling baby products online, soft colors like baby pink, light mauve, cream etc., would be appropriate to use in your logo design. You could also choose your logo color on the basis of how you want your customers to feel or sense about your business. For instance, if you are selling original jewelry, you’d want to have a sense of sophistication or royalty brought up in your customers, whenever they think of your brand. So, black color would be the most appropriate choice for your brand’s logo.
Related Link: Color Psychology in Logo Design
Feature #4: Negative Space Utilization
“Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space occasionally is used to artistic effect as the “real” subject of an image.” – Wikipedia.
Though, it is neither necessary, nor always possible to artistically utilize the negative space in a logo design, but if used nicely, it could contribute in making a logo design, extraordinary. The design below is an example of wonderful negative space utilization in a logo design.
Image Credit: Usatoday
The white portion formed in the centre of the logo, clearly shows Australia’s map. (An example of negative space ‘between’ the subject)
Remembering these features could assist you in evaluating the quality of your logo design. And you should also remember, that your company logo would be placed on your business website, social profiles, emails, business cards, reports, letters and on every official piece of communication. Therefore, before finalizing it, you would want to ensure that your logo,
- Doesn’t miscommunicate anything
- Has the most appropriate and easily printable colors
- Is available in the vector format ( so that it could be conveniently placed anywhere and in any size)
Although, it takes a lot of perseverance to build a brand from the scratch, an effective logo design often assists in creating an associated visual memory of your business in the minds of the potential customers, thus bringing them closer to your brand.